: A Tale of Two Cities

Greening the Desert vs. Urban Sprawl: A Tale of Two Cities

Jun 14, 2024


Since 2004, my regular visits to the UAE have allowed me to witness an extraordinary transformation. Every three months, there’s a noticeable change. Once a place where seeing birds was a rarity, the UAE is now teeming with avian life. In our own backyard at Al Zahia Community at Sharjah, we’ve nurtured a lush environment, where the chirping of birds creates a symphony that lasts all day.copyright@lmkumar

This greening effort stands in stark contrast to what’s happening in my hometown of Rajpur, Dehradun, India, where unchecked urbanization is rapidly turning a once verdant paradise into a concrete jungle.

UAE: A Model for Sustainable Growth

The UAE’s commitment to sustainability and environmental preservation is commendable. Government and private sector initiatives have significantly altered the landscape, making it greener and more livable.



Urban Greening Initiativescopyright@lmkumar

In cities like Sharjah ,Dubai and Abu Dhabi, extensive parks and gardens have sprung up. The Dubai Miracle Garden, with its over 50 million flowers, is a spectacular testament to the country’s greening efforts. Public parks and green belts offer urban dwellers much-needed spaces for recreation and relaxation, contributing to an improved quality of life.

Afforestation and Tree Plantingcopyright@lmkumar

The UAE has launched extensive afforestation projects, planting millions of trees to combat desertification and promote sustainability. These trees enhance urban aesthetics, improve air quality, and provide habitats for wildlife. The Ghaf tree planting initiative is particularly noteworthy, aiming to preserve this native species crucial to the region’s ecosystem.The Ghaf is a drought-tolerant tree, which can remain green even in harsh desert environments.It is essential for the survival of animal and plant species alike. The Ghaf is the national tree of the UAE as it is a historic and cultural symbol of stability and peace in the UAE’s desert environment.

Bird Conservation Efforts

The resurgence of birdlife is perhaps the most delightful outcome of these efforts. Bird sanctuaries and protected areas, such as the Al Wathba Wetland Reserve in Abu Dhabi, provide safe havens for migratory and local bird species. The sight of flamingos and other birds in these areas underscores the success of the UAE’s conservation strategies.copyright@lmkumar

Once a coastal salt flat (sabkha), the area has transformed into a network of natural and man-made lakes that support a diverse array of Abu Dhabi’s wildlife. In 2018, the reserve was honored by being placed on the IUCN Green List of Protected and Conserved Areas, becoming the first site in the region to achieve this distinction.copyright@lmkumar

The reserve is particularly renowned for its large population of Greater Flamingos, with up to many thousands residing there during the autumn and spring seasons. It also hosts nearing three hundred species of birds, over thirty plant species, and a wide variety of aquatic life. Visitors can explore two self-guided walking trails (about 2 km and 3 km) and use a bird-watching hide to observe the flamingos and other wildlife up close.copyright@lmkumar

Rajpur, Dehradun: A Vanishing Green Paradise

Courtesy Varchasva Dhunta 

In stark contrast, my hometown of Rajpur, Dehradun, tells a sorrowful tale of lost greenery. Once characterized by lush forests and grand bungalows, the area is rapidly succumbing to the pressures of urbanization.



Unchecked Urban Developmentcourtesy Varchasva DhuntaCourtesy Varchasva Dhunta 

Unscrupulous builders, driven by greed, are replacing green spaces with multi-story buildings, transforming Rajpur into a concrete jungle. The rapid construction of these buildings is not only an eyesore but also a significant threat to the local ecosystem. The sprawling urban landscape now resembles cities like Muzaffar Nagar and Ghaziabad, where natural beauty has been sacrificed for commercial gain.

Loss of Biodiversitycourtesy Varchasva Dhunta

The dense forests that once thrived in Rajpur are being destroyed, leading to a dramatic decline in local biodiversity. Birds that once filled the air with their songs are disappearing, and the rich flora that supported a diverse range of wildlife is vanishing. 



This loss is not just ecological but also cultural, as the natural environment has long been a source of pride and identity for the residents.Courtesy Varchasva Dhunta 

Impact on Quality of Lifecourtesy Varchasva Dhunta Courtesy Varchasva Dhunta 

The transformation has a profound impact on the quality of life. Where there were once open spaces and a sense of tranquility, there is now congestion, pollution, and noise. The community’s connection to nature is being severed, replaced by the hustle and bustle of urban life.

A Call for Change

The contrasting experiences of the UAE and Rajpur, Dehradun, highlight the urgent need for sustainable urban planning. The UAE’s model demonstrates that with vision and commitment, it is possible to create green, livable cities even in harsh desert environments. Rajpur, on the other hand, serves as a cautionary tale of what happens when development is left unchecked and driven solely by commercial interests.



It’s imperative for policymakers, builders, and residents to recognize the value of green spaces and work towards preserving and enhancing them. Sustainable development is not just about economic growth but also about maintaining the ecological balance and ensuring a high quality of life for future generations.copyright@lmkumar

By learning from the UAE’s example, we can implement strategies that promote green growth and environmental sustainability. This involves creating and maintaining parks, planting trees, conserving wildlife, and ensuring that urban development projects are environmentally friendly.copyright@lmkumar

The UAE’s efforts to make its cities greener offer a hopeful blueprint for sustainable urban development. In contrast, the rapid urbanization in Rajpur, Dehradun, serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of neglecting environmental considerations. To build a better future, we must prioritize green initiatives, protect our natural environments, and strive for a harmonious balance between development and sustainability.

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